About Iron Mechanical

When Iron Mechanical was built, we started with public works ranging from schools, prisons, and medical facilities. Our focus from day one has been performance and quality. Our team now at Iron Mechanical is working on large mid to high-rise multifamily projects, design-build, and design-assist on the full mechanical package.

Our goal is to build it before we get there. We are now carving a new path in the industry through our pre-construction department and our design-build capabilities. Since day one our team has used the advances in technology to our advantage; we use the most technical tools in our plant as well as in our office. Since we began we have used on-screen digital take-off in our estimating department and 3D MEP in our pre-construction department which is tied into our fabrication software. Our project management team has proven to shine on large projects in Northern and Southern California beating the schedule and satisfying the customer.


Jed Risse


Terry Risse


Matt Lambie

Matt Lambie


Mark Risse

Mark Risse


Brad Millwee

Brad Millwee

Chief Estimator

Micah Risse

Micah Risse

Construction Services Department Manager

Jason Pecha

Jason Pecha

Pre-Construction Manager

Kevin Keefer

Safety Director

Jason McCleod

Jason McCleod

Plumbing Detailing Manager

Matt Langford

Matt Langford

Pre-Construction Manager

James Press

General HVAC Superintendent

Aaron Ramirez

Aaron Ramirez

General Plumbing Superintendent

Victor Mundy

Fab Shop Director

Judy Gomes

VP Finance

David Burrup


Marissa Ayala

HR Director

Nick Devault

Nick Devault

Plumbing Estimator

Brendon Barbour

Project Manager

Aaron Sharma

Project Manager

Erik Marquis

Project Manager

Daniel Dunger

Project Manager

Brandon Copeland

Brandon Copeland

Construction Services Department
Project Manager

Brian Pipkins

Brian Pipkins

Service Manager


Jed Risse


Terry Risse


Matt Lambie


Mark Risse


Brad Millwee

Chief Estimator

Micah Risse

Construction Services Department Manager


Jason Pecha

Pre-Construction Manager

Kevin Keefer

Safety Director

Jason McCleod

Plumbing Detailing Manager

Matt Langford

Pre-Construction Manager

James Press

General HVAC Superintendent

Aaron Ramirez

General Plumbing Superintendent

Victor Mundy

Fab Shop Director

Judy Gomes

VP Finance

David Burrup


Marissa Ayala

HR Director


Nick Devault

Plumbing Estimator

Brendin Barbour

Project Manager

Aaron Sharma

Project Manager

Erik Marquis

Project Manager

Daniel Dunger

Project Manager

Brandon Copeland

Construction Services Department
Project Manager

Brian Pipkins

Service Manager

Who we work with


Construction of hotels, resorts, and other hospitality structures to accommodate travelers and tourists.

Commercial Buildings

Construction of office spaces, corporate headquarters, and business complexes tailored to meet the needs of companies.

Health Care Facilities

State-of-the-art hospitals and medical centers with specialized infrastructure for advanced healthcare services.

Senior Care Facilities

Projects that combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, fostering a live-work-play environment.

We are here to help you.
Tell us about your project today.

Charitable Alliance Partners

Copper for Kids

Copper for Kids is a campaign of Stanford Sierra Youth & Families, and was founded over 11 years ago. It was established to raise funds to provide permanent loving families and support services to local children in foster care. Originally the campaign focused on enlisting the support of the construction industry to raise funds through recycling scrap copper and has now expanded to include more ways to help.

Miyamoto Global Relief

Miyamoto Global Disaster Relief (Miyamoto Relief) is 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that provides disaster mitigation response, relief and reconstruction services following a natural disaster. We are the only nonprofit structural engineering organization in the world that provides expertise at the critical phases of disaster.

Committed to Safety

Pictured to the right is Jed Risse, Kevin Keefer, Aaron Sharma, Aaron Ramirez, and Matt Lambie from Iron Mechanical receiving an award from DesCor Builders. DesCor Builders awarded our Yolanda job in Santa Rosa the Platinum Hammer Award. the award is given out to the safest Sub-Contractor in Northern California. Let’s give a hand to Forman Scott Dietz and his crew at the Yolanda job.

Privacy Policy

Iron Mechanical – Candidate Privacy Notice

Iron Mechanical is committed to respecting your online privacy and recognizes your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) you share with us.

Iron Mechanical is a “data controller”. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. This privacy notice makes you aware of how and why your personal data will be used, namely for the purposes of the Iron Mechanical employment recruitment process, and how long it will usually be retained.

Data protection principles

We will comply with data protection law and principles, which means that your data will be:

  • Used lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent way.
  • Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes.
  • Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes.
  • Accurate and kept up to date.
  • Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about.
  • Kept securely.

The kind of information we hold about you

In connection with your application for work with us, we will collect, store, and use the following categories of personal information about you:

  • The information you have provided to us in your curriculum vitae and cover letter.
  • The information you have provided on our application form, including name, title, address, telephone number, personal email address, employment history, and qualifications.
  • Any information you provide to us during an interview.

How is your personal information collected?

We collect personal information about candidates from the following sources:

  • You, the candidate.
  • Recruitment agencies and vendors we have agreed on terms in place with
  • Professional networking profile
  • Employees and others who refer you to us

How we will use information about you?

We will use the personal information we collect about you to:

  • Assess your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the role.
  • Carry out background and reference checks, where applicable.
  • Communicate with you about the recruitment process.
  • Keep records related to our hiring processes.
  • Comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
  • We also need to process your personal information to decide whether to enter into a contract of employment with you.

Having received your CV, cover letter, and/or your application form, we will then process that information to decide whether you meet the basic requirements to be screened by our in-house recruitment team for the role. If you do, we will decide whether your application is strong enough to invite you for an interview, be it by telephone, in person, or by other electronic means. If we decide to engage you for an interview, we will use the information you provide to us at the interview to decide whether to offer you the role. If we decide to offer you the role, we will then take up references before confirming your appointment.

If you fail to provide personal information

If you fail to provide information when requested, which is necessary for us to consider your application (such as evidence of qualifications or work history), we will not be able to process your application successfully and we will not be able to take your application further.

Automated decision-making

You will not be subject to decisions that will have a significant impact on you based solely on automated decision-making.

Data sharing With third parties

  • We will only share your personal information with the following third parties for the purposes of processing your application; this may involve sharing your information with other companies within our own group if we consider they may have other relevant vacancies and only if you consent to such sharing
  • All our third-party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Data security

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need-to-know. They will only process your personal information on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

Data retention (how long will you use my information for)

  • We will retain your personal information for a period of 2 years after we have communicated to you our decision about whether to appoint you to the role. We will retain your personal information so that we can make you aware of any suitable alternative roles that arise during this period.
  • We further retain your personal information for that period so that we can show, in the event of a legal claim, that we have not discriminated against candidates on prohibited grounds and that we have conducted the recruitment exercise in a fair and transparent way. After this period, we will securely destroy your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • If you would prefer that we did not retain your personal information, you can notify us at any time and we will delete your personal information.

Rights of access, correction, erasure, and restriction

Under certain circumstances, by law, you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.
  • Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
  • Request erasure of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal information where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).
  • Object to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object to where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal information about you, for example, if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.

Right to withdraw consent

When you applied for this role, you provided consent to us processing your personal information for the purposes of the recruitment exercise. You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing for that purpose at any time.

To withdraw your consent, please contact the Recruitment Manager. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your application, and, subject to our policies, we will dispose of your personal data securely.

Data protection officer

We have appointed a data protection officer (DPO) to oversee compliance with this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how we handle your personal information, please contact the DPO by email, at info@ironmechanical.com.